December 17, 2008

Life's Simple Pleasures...

I love that my children want to do things for themselves. We recently picked up this little child safe knife from Pampered Chef. Now, I know you could use a butter knife but my kids love this so much. This is the four year old making his own sandwich for lunch. The pleasure for me in this is watching my children learn to do things for themselves and being able to do something that is a life skill all in one. This was just too great not to share...

Peanut Butter and Banana on Homemade Whole Wheat. YUM!!! Another simple pleasure in our house indeed! :)


  1. That is very, very cool!

  2. We have the same knife, which has been handed down from child to child. It's cute, easy to hold and gets the job done. They feel so grown up with it!
