July 15, 2009

What to do with leftovers....

You take leftover roast from Sunday dinner...

and add the carrots cut into little bits...

add it to a pie crust...

add the potatoes sliced on top

and then cover it with cheese and bake for about 50 minutes...

Yep... LOTS of cheese...


  1. Oh YES! That looks great! I will do this next time I cook a roast. I'll make sure & get a bigger roast so I'll have enough left overs. LOL

    I replied to your comment on my blog, but didn't know if you'd see it since I'm so late in replying. I'll paste it here:

    Well, thank you so much, Leann!
    I have really neglected my blog for a while now. I call it my "page", LOL, so it's kind of funny to write blog. Anyway, I haven't posted anything since the
    4th. I have plenty of pictures & recipes, just not the time. I will make time soon though.
    About the friendship bread, I have done lots of variations & hope to post some of them too.

    Thanks for visiting me here, I'm glad you like it! :)

  2. I'm going to make this tonight, Leann!

