February 05, 2010

From my kitchen this week...

It has been a busy week back at school.  I worked my 13 hours of practicum and made a decision.  I won't be graduating in August due to some curriculum changes so I decided to slow down a bit.  I dropped my restaurant class so I could be home with my family a little more than I would have otherwise.  My first job is my family and I just needed to do that.  I am still working the 13 hour a week practicum and will be doing that until May sometime.  I have my ACF CC practical exam coming up in June so part of my class will be preparation for that test.  Once that is done I will have two more semesters of restaurant or practicum type work to finish and then if I finish the pastry I have 2 practicum classes, advanced pastry and laminated dough.  I could finish by next summer with all of it if the classes are offered over the year.

Outside of that I have been playing at home.  I have an Amish bread starter going on my counter on a regular basis now and I just started a sourdough starter a few days ago.  Both are working beautifully!  :)  Here are some pictures...

 Amish Bread made from recipe found here... it is a quick bread that has a world of variations you can do with it.


Been making bread, too.  Here is my wheat mill.

This is a walnut, cranberry, honey whole wheat version.  YUM!!!

Made homemade mayonnaise this week...
I make mine in a blender with one egg, a pinch of salt, a pinch of dry mustard, about a tsp or lemon or vinegar and then about 2 cups canola oil.  It is SO simple to make your own!

After 48 hours it is full of yeast!  I put water, flour and honey together and covered it with a towel on the counter.  I am doing the "wild yeast" version and after baking bread next to the container all day yesterday it is FULL of yeast from the air.  It is wonderful!  I cannot wait to make sourdough bread next week.  I will let it sit out and stir it each day over the weekend and then it can be stored in the refrigerator in a crock or ceramic container.

So, that is what is happening in my kitchen lately.... what about your kitchen?    :-)

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