August 13, 2011

Week of August 15th... Goal Setting

I updated my list post from this past week and will rewrite a list of goals each week here for my business progress.

I think I am going to break it down for the rest of August like this...

Book to read:

Denise Vivaldo's Home-Based Personal Chef Business

3 Organizing Goals to accomplish for the week

*   Build a business notebook this week with customer information section, menu section and recipe section.  Input all into computer and then print hard copy for new notebook.  Later I will be adding forms for personal chef and such but for now I need a skeleton format to get started.

*   Continue to go through, at least, one box per day until clutter is culled and gone

*   Set up one file drawer for business only... the other three are children and family, educational notes and papers and scouting stuff.

Paperwork/Research tasks
*   continue to write business plan.  Spend at least one focused hour per day building this

*   Contact different companies about shipping cost for shipping foods and perishable items

*   Sign up for CIA newsletter.. build a file in bookmarks with food sites that are sources of industry information and trends.

Contacts to make
*   Continue to build e-mail list

*   Give out at least 5 business cards this week

*   Be in touch with Michelle this week on information gathered and menu items available right away. 

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