Week two nearly KILLED me! LOL
I lost my focus for four whole days and wrote NOTHING!
I, honestly, had a great reason for not writing, I promise. I was canning all things pear for the entire week between keeping up with the house, kids and work. There is a canning post coming, btw.
They were not kidding on the NaNo site that week two is hard. There was one point where I thought, "What would happen if I did not continue?" That thought did not last long. I love my characters so I kept going. I am going to try and get ahead during week three so that my travel plans and family time don't have to be spent in the bedroom writing while everyone else is having food and fun. I want to take some time for some photographing of all the family that will be together and the lovely fall surroundings so getting ahead is to my benefit for sure.
I decided that some motivation was in order so I took some time to do a little research and reading on the four uninspired days and got my groove back by Saturday afternoon.
Here is what I did that helped me if you need some ideas.
1. I loaded a Pandora channel for music of the 1930s. This is the time period I am writing about and the music feeds my soul so I thought I would give it a try and now I write listening to it for most of the time I write. Gershwin inspires greatly! LOL
2. I added an East Texas history app to my phone for quick research. It is a quick reference app sponsored and maintained by Sam Houston State University and I LOVE IT! Click on the button to have a look...
3. I started a Pinterest board for all things 1930's from clothing and food to historical information about the region I am writing about. I just scroll through and read from the resources when I am feeling the need for a brain boost to keep going.
4. I picked up a cookbook on food served in the boarding houses of the area during that time period and one on food, in general, during the Great Depression.
Food typically served in the boarding houses and hotels of the area where I am writing about.
Clara shares her Depression Cooking here in this book and online on YouTube.com.
I also pulled out some old "Church Cookbooks" which have many recipes that have been passed down from church dinners over the decades. There is also a plethora of videos on cooking in different eras on youtube.com if you just search for them.
Food inspires me, too!
5. I am continuing to read in the No Plot? No Problem! book and I am attending some of the online writing sessions on the Nano channel on YouTube.com (link below)
I finished up yesterday with 16,458 words written and as soon as this is posted I am taking some time this morning to plug away a bit more at it between laundry and cleaning chores. There is coffee in my cup and my brain is working.... yes, even on a Monday morning. So, I continue with a little Ragtime and Big Band music playing in the background.
Hope this inspires you NaNoWriMo writers out there, too.
What do you do to inspire you to write?
How do you warm up for a writing session?
Are any of you reading any writing books right now? Please share!
Some others sharing their journey....
a little sweary but good tips
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