December 12, 2008

Cooking over the coming four days...

Our Tiger Cubs are making cookies on Monday night so I am making dough on Sunday and chilling it.

I am also making a beef and bean chili to go over rice for Tuesday night's Scout party.

I also have plans for a sweet potato pie

Chicken enchiladas for Sunday's lunch here at home

and the starting of a Gingerbread house that the kiddos can work on over the coming week as they finish their work

I also have to bake bread

Make laundry detergent - not for human consumption by the way... LOL

and there might be pancakes or waffles at some point, too.

So, those are the coming food plans and I hope to be recovered enough to really do a foodie post with gusto by Monday but there may be pictures on the way to Monday. We shall see...

The picture above is the gingerbread house the kids made in 2006... :)

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