August 23, 2009

Back to school... the LUNCHBOX Edition

Sending your little ones off to school or maybe you need some new inspiration for work lunches? I really struggle with the poor quality of the public school food choices as well as the fast food options out there. With the exception of Ann Cooper's program called the Lunch Box Program and maybe a few others scattered around the country we really are offering third rate food to our kids in these schools. If you feel like I do you may be making a plan to send lunches with your kiddos. Here are some great links and resources for ideas for a healthier lunch that will appeal to your kids and to you, too.

Two books that I have on my shelf that I love are

Lunchbox Treats by Nancy Skodack, M.S., R.D.
this is a great little book that has been discontinued but you can still pick up a few used copies at the link above. I love this book!!!

The Brown Bag Cookbook...
Some resources for reusable lunch boxes that I LOVE LOVE LOVE...

* Bento Boxes

* The Stainless Steel Little House Pail with a modern twist!

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