February 22, 2010

28 Days... 28 Meals.... Week 4 - CROCKPOT WEEK


Monday:   Crock Pot Beans and Rice, Rice and Beans!  (think Dave Ramsey)

Tuesday: Chicken and Dressing in a Crockpot... 
courtesy of one of my friends from high school Carrie Lynn Baird - I will share this one and give you her e-mail if you are interested in her 30 Days in a Crockpot... she has some great recipes and a great story.  :)  Stay tuned 'cause I will share a dessert from her later in the week, too.  :)

Wednesday:  Crock Pot Chili with ground turkey and beans

Thursday:   Mission Chicken from Mabel Hoffman's Crockery Cooking Cookbook

Friday:  Chicken Pot Pie, salad and fruit

Saturday:  Ground turkey and barley stew

Sunday:  dinner at Dan's parents OR Roast Goose and sides

Monday is PAYDAY!!!  Grocery shopping and planning for a new month is coming up.  :)

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