December 15, 2011

Slowing down a little...

Things have been a bit crazy lately... some business and more with the family.  We have been in the concert season of late.  We have been flitting from one concert and event to another with all the kiddos seasonal endeavors.  

I thought I would pop in and share a little of what I have been up to...

Thanksgiving was full of pie making and baking and there are orders for some other items for pies coming up.  I have been doing some menu planning and then there is the philanthropic side of my life.

I am sure you know... if you have been around long... that my children commission me on a regular basis, to bake for a variety of events.  I don't charge them money. LOL  So, in the past two weeks I have made cookies, a Tres Leches Cake, Sticky Gingerbread Cake, Amish breads and muffins and today I made fudge.  

I used the standard fudge recipe on the back of the marshmallow cream jar.  Nothing fancy but yummy!

All chocolate fudge with little sprinkled candies on top

The kids are taking them to teachers for class "fun" tomorrow.   

This evening I got to make my first London Broil.

It was a standard piece of Top Round that I marinaded in a balsamic vinegar and olive oil blend with garlic and pepper.  Once it was ready (two days in the fridge for us) I turned on the broiler and cooked on each side for about 5-7 minutes and served.  London Broil is served medium rare.  IT WAS AMAZING!!!  I will be doing this again.  We made it a low carb meal with veggies and a big salad made with Romaine lettuce, mandarin oranges, pecans and red onion.  I made a balsamic vinaigrette to go with.  YUM!

I am working on a plan for blogging lots more in the new year.  I am also revamping business stuff a little to focus less on catering and more on baking and personal chef endeavors.  I just love those more so that is going to be the focus.  I am still waiting to order a PC training program.... kinda pricey but I will come up with the money when I need to.

Stay tuned for quick recipes, cookbook recommendations, lots of foodie pics and menu plan ideas to bring your family to the table.  New plan coming soon...

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