January 05, 2012

Happy New Year to you all!

I have been a little distracted with getting kiddos back into routines and getting myself back on track after a few weeks of being sick.  I wanted to share a few things I have found over the past few days.  If you are like me, you are getting back to normal eating after putting in too much "holiday food" and you might need some direction to help you get there.  I found some great places to help you eat better... more whole foods and real nutrition.  

The first one is an online free course that actually begins tomorrow.  It is a webinar...  Gnowfglins is putting it together for us and it should be online around 1:00pm Pacific time tomorrow.  Check it out and get on their e-mail list.  They will send you information to get you there.   UPDATE:  THIS IS A LINK FOR THEIR HANDOUT OF TIPS... GREAT STUFF!

Are you looking to eat more gluten free this coming year?  Here is a new website that has a great post to get you started.  It is called Balanced, Healthy Platter.  I am excited about this new venture of theirs.  They will be adding articles to help with all kinds of food allergies.  We recently discovered that our youngest has some more allergies and are adjusting the diet again for him.  This will be a great resource for lots of different allergies and how to deal with them.  They also have a great post on a detox smoothie and how to detox without starving yourself.  Great stuff!

One more resource I found is a 8 Week Plan to Real Foods.  You can get on their e-mail list at this page and then they will start sending you e-mails about how to do this.  I am excited about this one, too.  Take a look around their Vintage Remedies website, too... it is a nice site!  There are online courses and packages to learn more about becoming a home or professional herbalist.  

I am hoping to be here a lot more this year.  If there is something you would like to see here please let me know.  I am writing more about healthy, fasting, allergies, healing your body with food instead of medications and so much more.  There will still be fun stuff like baking and special seasonal treats.  I am currently working on a family cookbook for our 50th family reunion coming in 2013, too.  

Lastly, but certainly not least, I am working on some posts about food and the Bible.  God has me hungering and thirsting after righteousness and I want to spend some time looking at what all that really means.  I hope to share some of that journey with you, too.  

So Happy New Year... and lets get better together this year!

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