January 06, 2012

Foodie Bandwagon...

I am getting back on the bandwagon for some food challenges this year.  I am starting with a French Fridays with Dorie recipe this weekend.  I got this book last Christmas a year ago with the intention of working through it and then school took over.  Now is the time... gotta keep my skills sharp!  This week's challenge is Bubble Top Brioche Rolls.  When I have a little time and money for ingredients I will work my way back through this list

and a Daring Baker Challenge straight from the official Daring Kitchen will be presented to you by the end of the month on their deadline.  Again... working back through some challenges past as I have time and ingredients

I am also very excited that Tuesdays with Dorie are starting back up again in February 2012.  They are working through Baking with Julia.  

Baking with Julia: Savor the Joys of Baking with America's Best Bakers

Count me in!  

Check out this article that Dorie Greenspan shares on her Baking From My Home To Yours book.  I love to read her stuff so much!

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to seeing your posts on The Daring Kitchen & with Tuesdays with Dorie - all three are great groups!
