March 16, 2012

A good day for a Shepherd's Pie

 Shepherd's Pie is very simple to make.  
You may prefer to buy a prefab pie crust or you can make your own.  
The mixture above is beef, potatoes, carrots, onion and celery all sauteed with a bit of thyme, salt and pepper.

 Once you have that assembled you top it with mashed potatoes and then bake it. 
The potatoes I had leftover in the fridge was some Irish Colcannon (mashed potatoes with leeks and cabbage mixed in) from Monday's cooking day for a client.
Serve with a simple salad and a big glass of tea and you have a meal for six people.

It is a great way to use up some leftovers, too.  


  1. I love shepherd's pie, but do mine without the under crust. Great for using up leftovers!

  2. I've never seen shepherd's pie made with a pie crust base. Interesting.
