August 08, 2011

Goal Setting to kick off the week...

After I registered a business last week I started some list making and finally dug out some books I have been intending to read for quite some time.  Timing is everything I think.  LOL  The time is right now and these books are speaking directly to where I am.

The book I have chosen for this week is... 

I am already half way through this one in about two days.  I am a slow reader but I have been disciplining myself to sit and read more.  I will be writing goals each week to keep me on task and for the first few months I will be including a business book of some kind in the rotation.

Goals for this week are...

1.   Read the above book - completed

2.   Complete the process of writing a business plan - in progress... may take several weeks to complete

3.   Price and make a decision on which personal chef program I will complete for certification and register.... in progress... waiting on money to purchase course but have one chosen

4.   Make an equipment list and start pricing the items.  Decide what I will save for first for purchasing. in progress but written down

5.   Start building an e-mail list - in progress but written down

6.   Clean church kitchen thoroughly and start preparing it for use... wound up with emergency at home with plumbing and did not make it up there... next week for sure.

7.   Build holiday baking menu to start sending out for orders.  Set a deadline for placing orders.  Will send out by September 1st and pick a deadline soon.

8.   Write out menu for Eagle Court of Honor and start pricing items for purchase.  Budget for the extra expense on our personal budget and have oldest make his list of guests to prepare for.

9.   REFinish desk and set it up for business - in progress... Dan is refinishing this right now

10.   Set up filing system and add to it as I clean out all the crates and boxes around the house with papers in them... I am the crate lady it seems... it is pathetic!  LOL  I cannot resist a good crate. Cleaned out two a day and started filing system... still in progress... will take several weeks still

1 comment:

  1. Hey, if the crates work for you - ! Congrats on making a list, and advance congrats on getting everything done on it!
